
Hello! I’m Mel, and welcome to my arts and culture blog!

A bit about me: I grew up and live in Surrey in the UK and have been working in Human Resources for an engineering company for almost two years, and before that I spent two years studying Architecture at The University of Bath.

What really fascinates me, however, is art and culture in all its many forms.  And although this includes a love of music, singing, films, books and theatre, I have decided to write this blog specifically on the history of art and cultural heritage.  I try to spend as much of my free time as possible visiting galleries, historic buildings and studying the history of art and culture, and this blog is a means for me to ramble on about my discoveries and experiences of exploring this wonderful world.

I’ll be doing a chronological series of profiles on the most notable artists, sculptors and architects in the history of art, in an effort to teach myself a bit more about each one as I go along!  I’ll intersperse this with posts about any trips I make to galleries, historic or cultural sites, as and when I manage to fit them in.  Let me know if there’s anything else you’d love to read about and I’ll see what I can do!

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1 thought on “About”

  1. Thank you for following my blog! Happy that you like it:) what an interesting blog you have 🙂 for sure will be back here ! have a nice day 🙂

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